Here are a curated selection of outreach, background, and presentation resources about Wisconsin’s initiatives with the AV Proving Grounds (AVPG).
- Wisconsin AVPG Brochure (pdf 1.4mb, April 17, 2017)
- Wisconsin AVPG Introduction and Overview Slides (pdf 6.4mb, August 23, 2017)
- Presentation to WI Legislature (pdf 2.3mb, February 22, 2017)
- Presentation to Governor’s Committee on Connected and Automated Vehicles (pdf 5.2mb, September 13, 2017)
Important References
- SAE’s levels of driving automation chart (png 0.8mb)
- UW-Madison’s SAE vs ODD Graphic (png 0.1mb)
- NHTSA Policy on AVs (pdf 1mb, September 19, 2016)
- Additional resources on legal and liability issues
AVPG Formation
- Wisconsin’s AV Proving Grounds proposal (pdf 2mb, December 19, 2016)
- USDOT Announcement (January 19, 2017)
- UW-Madison News Story (January 25, 2017)
Other Informative Things
- Assessing Support for AVs by Road Agency Actions (Austroads, pdf 2mb, May, 2017)